Thursday, March 27, 2008

show me the soul of your mystery
uncloak the honest truth
reveal that which i cannot see
but can feel and taste in youth
you know me somehow, somewhere
plain but rarely shown
we avoid because we cannot touch
or grasp or have to own
awake with faith and happenstance
search with newer eyes
i'll find you in the in between
amidst the fiction and the guise

Monday, March 17, 2008

the smell of the rain on the pavement
is abrasive and affectionate
and accompanies memories
from deep within
that make me want to close my eyes
tight enough to will tears
and hold my breath
stand too long in stillness
so not a drop of it will escape
it is a kind of attack
that leaves me breathless
and speechless
and strengthless
and i feel everything
absorb everything
until it is so much a part of me
that if you cut me i would bleed the rain